We’re seeking deeper relationships, generational impact and good living. Join one of the Small Groups detailed below, if only for a term or two to give it a whirl. Now is the time to be involved and put a stake in the ground to growing your future self. If you don’t see anything suitable message us here and we’ll look to start one near you.
Tuesday Hope Men 7.00am
An early morning meeting before business begins led by Shane Read and Mike Tate-Davis. Porridge, ponder the scriptures and pray. Perfect.
@ Hope Vineyard. Contact Shane here.
Tuesday Maniapoto Girls 12.00pm
Are you looking for a daytime group to gather with other girls/ladies to chat, consider, contemplate, share and simply be? This group will suit those looking for a lunchtime group to do life with… and what better place to meet than our local cafe?!?
@ Hope Vineyard. Contact Karla here.
Tuesday Read and Peters 6.00pm
Are you a young couple or family looking to grow your faith and strengthen your relationships? Join us as we explore practical ways to build healthy marriages, navigate the joys and challenges of parenting, and live out our faith in today’s world. We’ll discuss relevant themes, share experiences, and support one another in creating households of faith. In today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world, it’s more important than ever to have a community to lean on, learn from, and grow with. If you’re seeking connection and guidance on how to raise your family grounded in faith, this group is for you.
@ Elijah and Kristen Peters’, Roslyn. Contact Kristen for address details here.
Tuesday Pavarno 7.30pm (short topical study)
Does Genesis 1 say creation is ours to care for or ours to consume? What are the implications of each perspective for how we live day to day? Eco Church is a movement which actively incorporate environmental stewardship and care for the planet into its practices, mission, and teachings. Hope is exploring if we should join too. Come if you are looking to explore.
The first week we’ll tour Vanja’s permaculture garden and share stories and make a list of questions. The following 5 weeks we will dive deeper into the topics of water, food, waste, climate change, and transport. Let’s look at what we can learn as households and as a church.
Each night: taste something different from our land, bring something small or home grown to share.
@ Steve and Vanja Pavarnos’, Roslyn. Contact Steve for address details here.
Wednesday Hope Men Discipleship Group 10am
Walking with Jesus is both a wonderful and difficult thing, which is why we need friendship, accountability and those to walk alongside. Join Shane Read and walk longer, further, deeper in this place of care and transformation.
@ Hope Vineyard. For details contact Shane here.
Wednesday Morgan and Butler 7.30pm
GLEANINGS IN GENESIS. Genesis is known as the Seed Plot of the Bible. Many of the major events recorded in Genesis reverberate throughout history, even today. We will study the main events and characters and discuss how they may apply to us. Topics will include: Creation, Fall, The Flood, Abraham’s Call, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph; 50 chapters in 6 weeks… that’s no small feat. Come, let’s learn, share and feast together. Prayer, worship, fellowship, Bible Study, with supper thrown in… oh yeah!
@Grant and Heather Butler’s, Roslyn. Contact Grant and Heather for address details here.
Thursday Group 10am
FULL To stay the course, run the race, hear from God and distill his voice. This applies right through life and what better way to follow Jesus than to get with other mature Jesus junkies and cheer one another on. This group gathers, shares, and often has wee bitetogether from the best local cafe we can find.
@ Hope Vineyard.
Thursday Eustace 7.20pm
Isn’t it hard to imagine the world Jesus walked in from the vantage point of our fast paced, loud, developed world. This group will work through The Chosen TV series, in an effort to put flesh on the bones of the Gospels. Putting Jesus into his cultural context provides a great platform to consider how the disciples’ interactions with Jesus can help us in our lives today. Each evening we will watch an episode, identify and read appropriate biblical passages and discuss. Our mini theatre has a maximum capacity of 10 people, so sign up below fast.
@ Glen and Rosanne Eustace’s, Hokowhitu. Contact Rosanne for address details here.
Thursday Posthuma 7.30pm
A fortnightly meeting (off-set to the Tate-Davis Group below) for those who enjoy deep conversations, care and concern and are hungry for adventure in God.
@ Hillary and Anne Posthuma’s, Whakarongo. Contact Anne for address details here.
Thursday Tate-Davis 7.30pm
FULL A fortnightly meeting (off-set to the Posthuma Group above) for those who enjoy deep conversations, care and concern and are hungry for adventure in God.
@ Mike and Lauren Tate-Davis’, Hokowhitu.